Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Finishing touches...ADD I can't focus..Dimachaeron

I realized when I was storing my models in foam trays that I never took a final photo of the (6) Emperor's Shadows bikes I finished a couple weeks back so here it is.

Ahhh I can't focus!  This is why I can't ever get one army complete at a time.  It takes me forever because I get distracted by so many new ideas and desires for models and armies.  I love this hobby and always will.

Still working on finishing up the models on my painting tray...(3) Venothropes, (3) Hormagaunts, (2) Assault Marines, (7) Bolter Marines and a partridge in a pare tree.  Oh by the way I built another toxicrene even though the rules for it are horrendous.  I am hoping GW fixes that with the upcoming release that is rumored for Q1 in 2016.

Slowly chugging through the Space Marines and Tyranids.  I will have to one day get them all out on the table and take photos.  That would be a huge multi day task in and of itself.

This is my new favorite model the Dimachaeron.  I believe two more of these will find their way into my collection.  I mean I have to round out three fast attack some how since the Harpies and Hive Crones are subpar at best.

Dimachaeron has speared a Tactical Squad Sergeant and getting ready to devour him.  I will have some bolt shell casings piled up on the basing to show he is emptying his clip in desperation knowing he can't get enough sixes before his service to the Emperor comes to an abrupt halt.

Toxicrene built...and has been modifies already since this posting.  New photos will follow.

The Dimachaeron's base has been getting an upgrade and lots of conversions.  I have spent four days alone just building and converting this swift and terrifying beast.

I have another Space Marine on the base firing at a leaping Hormagaunt as he is trying to fend off the oncoming swarm.

I spent a lot of time pinning this model with various size carbon fiber rod, and believe this is a sturdy masterpiece.  It may be my favorite model to date.

Come back soon for my end of the year wrap up and new year hobby goals.

Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.

Monday, December 28, 2015


Sons of dorn march to glorious victory

30k Iron Warriors: The Beginning

I finally got moved into my new home and have life situated. After two additional weeks of procrastination and Christmas fun, we have progress. I've loved the background of The Horus Heresy since 2005 when I opened up the first novel "Horus Rising". The models have been out for a while now and I've accumulated enough for a sizable force. With all excuses out of the way it's time to build, paint, and play baby. Below I have 6 Tyrant Terminators (missiles on their backs), a Praetor, and 2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts. 

The Tyrant Sgt checking his scanner.  For each of these models I converted power fists to fit on the Justerian Terminator bodies. The look wonderful to me and I'm quite happy with them. 

This next guy was converted using Arjac Rockfist and Abbadon's Lightning Claw. He's an aggressive fellow. 

Here's the old lead from the front kind of guy pointing out another target. A fun idea for the split fire rule I'll be enjoying. 

My 2 Contemptor's are ready to fight. These kits are amazingly easy to build with a wide variety of poses. I went for one with dual assault cannons and another combining a meltagun with a power claw. 

Here is the Praetor for the force. He is sporting a paragon blade with a nyante blaster. The Blaster I had to convert from scratch. I couldn't find any references to what they look like,so I gave it my best shot. 

Looking for something to kill. 

The models are a relatively easy to build but I didn't enjoy shaving off the eye of Horus from them. First world problem I guess.   

Finally I leave you with a group shot and a short time before my next visit. Until then.... Iron Within!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Finished...Unofficial Primarchs...new beginnings!

Well the rebasing of some older models are complete from last week.  Trying to get my armies all to match theme wise for basing.  Finished the ghost knights 2 editions too late.  I will just have to proxy them as normal Grey Knights and just explain away the fluff.

I also rebased an older model I used as an Inquisitor and two models as part of his retinue.  The Psyker sometimes is used in my imperial guard army as well as my Inquisition.

Working on some more Emperor's Shadows.  Two flamers and three bolter Marines.

This is a Leman Russ model that a bought several years ago (Kabuki Models)  just now getting around to putting him together.  Look at the detail on the model.  The bolter is really sweet looking.

This Chaplain will be the first Chaplain in the Emperors Shadows.  This was a custom sculpt I bought several years ago with the Kabuki Knights of Legend Primarchs.

Dorn and Robute Guilliman are being put together.

I magnetized Robutes arms.  He came with two sets:  Broad sword and bolter arms and a pair of power fists with under slung bolters.

I got a bug this weekend and cleaned out one of my tool boxes to use as my  new hobby cart for painting.  This is my old wooden microwave cart I have been using for the past 7months or so.

This is my new painting cart.

Top drawer will be used for paints.

Hobby tool drawer, brushes, glues, hobby knives, dremel tools and bitz.

Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.