Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dirt cheap Space Wolf purchase

I bought these the other day because they were dirt cheap, decently painted and ready to use.  I will eventually send these off to the painter in Italy to add to my Champions of Fenris Army.

10x Thunder Wolf Calvary
               6x Chainsword and bolt pistol
               1x Thunderhammer and bolt pistol
               3x chainsword and stormshield
10x Grey Hunters
               8x Bolt pistol and Chainsword
               2x Plasma guns

Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.

Finally...Space Wolf Commission from Italy

I have finally gotten some Space Wolves completed on Commission from a guy in Italy.  Really great painter and much more talented than I probably will ever be.  This was well worth every dollar spent.  This will be a showcase army that will certainly see play time as well as display time.

I really love the weathering and the basing with snow.  Basing really makes or breaks a miniature in my opinion.

1x Logan Grimnar
1x Knight Paladin
1x Razorback
1x Drop Pod
1x Wolf Lord w/thunderhammer and stormshield on Thunderwolf
1X Standardbearer w/PF on Thunderwolf
1x Iron Priest w/Thunderhammer on Thunderwolf
2x Thunderhammer and Stormshield on Thunderwolves
1x Stormwolf Gunship
1x Contemptor Dreadnaught with Frost axe and stormshield
10x Fenrisian wolves
1x Lonewolf Terminator w/pair of lighting claws
1x Lonewolf Terminator w/Frost axe and stormbolter

I will be adding to this commission in the future.

Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.