Friday, July 31, 2015

Flyrant, Shrikes and Genestealers...Oh my!

Flyrant, Shrikes and Genestealers...Oh my!

Updates on the hivefleet as I have been basing and adding to the models this week.  I am trying to get enough models built to finally build out and order my battle foam order.  I just don't know if I will make the cut before I leave for California.  I guess we will see.

Dual Thunderhammer  wielding Space Marine Inquisitor to add to my Emperor Shadows.  I don't have any background for him yet I just thought it would be a cool conversion.

This will be my third flyrant and this one will have a captain using his jump pack to assault the flyrant.

Another angle.

Tyrannocyte based over rubble of course.  I used a heat gun to bend the plastic tentacles and it has become my new favorite tool.

Toxicrene is now based.

All the models form last week are now based.



Not much of an update other than pictures of the bases.  Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Miscellaneous Paint Job...2yrs in the making

So I was being a bum today and I got a kind reminder that I have things I need to get done around the house so...I finally completed repainting my shed out back to match the house.

So here is the before...

I still have to repaint the white trim but its pretty much done.

Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Hive Fleet continues to grow....

   I finally got around to building some Aegis Defense line weapon mounts.  I plan to use these for campaigns/scenarios and use Razorback weapons making them tarantula like platforms.

Finished Mucolid Spores.  The initial planetary assault of spores is now up to 12 spores.  I like the forgeworld spores more than the new plastic ones that come with the Tyrannocyte.  Not only do they look better but forgeworld provides three instead of only one plastic from GW.

The fleshy skin tone meshes with my color scheme better than I anticipated and I really like it. 

I have several Carnifexes that still have not been assembled after several years and I want to make some more flying hive tyrants so naturally I began to think of conversions.  I wanted to magnetize the weapon arms so when rules change the model does not need a whole lot of work to make it competitive again. 
I began and magnetized the torso in the arm sockets, then magnetized the devourer arms.  The issue with the arms is they are so thin at the socket that only three small magnets can be glued and they were not strong enough to hold the arms in the position I wanted. 

So I ended up having to scratch that idea and just glue the arms in place.

Although I have over a hundred genestealers I only have four Brood Lords.  The rules for Brood Lords are good but I still don't use them when I play.  They are just really scary and vicious looking models.


This Brood Lord is hovering over a wounded terminator that had his arm ripped off.  The Terminator is actually from the Toxicrene model with a little green stuff.

This is the fist Toxicrene model I have built and I was not a huge fan of the model at first.  As I was building it the more I began to like it.  I had to modify the rear legs quite a bit to have it more in a standing pose vice the standard crouched pose.  You can see some of the green sculpting I had to do.

This 2nd Toxicrene is more standard and I can't stand it.  I will have to come back to it later for some conversions.

The model is very complex and I love the lashwhips but they hang out way too far for my liking.

A few months back I picked up 9 pairs of the forgeworld shrike wings so I began putting them together.  Rules wise the shrikes are horrendous because they only have a 5+ armor save and get shredded by bolters.  Fluff and model wise they are really cool.  I can envision a swarm of them flying swooping down and killing Marines and dragging them into the sky.

I couldn't just let it be the shrikes on the base they had to be in some action pose and I decided I wanted the brood to be in combat with assault Marines.  This one is armed with lash whip and bone sword against a dual pistol wielding assault Marine. 

The Marine is showboating a little firing one pistol behind his back.

Carbon fiber rod adds a little extra cost to building but it is worth it as the plastic rods break too often.

My new hobby cart that I work on at the couch.  It was a sewing cart from my parents house I have had in the shed.  I decided to finally replace the TV trays I have been using for the last 16 years. 

A second shrike is armed with a devourer firing at another assault Marine wielding dual pistols. 

A third shrike armed with rending claws and scything talons rips open the chest of a veteran sergeant assault Marine.

A small conversion to another wounded terminator from the second Toxicrene.  I cut off the sword and pinned a power axe on it.  This will probably be a mission objective.

A bag of extra resin pieces from the forgeworld scraps.

Still working on my first Tyrannocyte but I really like the model.  I don't like how far the tentacles hang out but there is not really anything to be done about it.  I have not decided on the paint scheme for it yet.  Is it going to be the fleshy tone or the grey skin tone.

The Harridan is built finally.  It was fairly difficult to pin this model, but its done now.  I tried pinning the wings with carbon fiber rod but that was an epic fail.  I did not get the rods to line up properly and the wholes are too big to drill any more.  I plan to magnetize the wings but I will have to purchase stronger and larger magnets.

The lower jaw is not glued yet because I need to pain the inner mouth first.

I plan to have a little larger of a base for the Harridan but that will come later.  I did reinforce the resin stand by drilling a hole in the stand and putting carbon fiber rod to provide extra support.

That is it for this week more to come.  Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.