Friday, January 29, 2016

I am a GW Fan Boy...Age of Darkness…Shadows of Treachery

If you go onto any of the popular wargames blogs and forums you will find Games Workshop (GW) products and topics dominating most of the content or discussion.  Everyone loves to hate the big guy, but so many gamers still play and buy into the hobby despite the protesting hate they spew.  

Is the hobby expensive? Yes.  Are all hobbies expensive? Yes.  You can find all kinds of articles debating cost, time, experience comparisons of different hobbies, but that is not the point of this post.    


I absolutely love just about everything they produce.  I am addicted to the plastic crack they supply, books they produce, games and I can't stop.  Even across the world I am entrenched in the hobby reading all the books I can get my grubby hands on.  After my Love for Christ and family, Games Workshop is close behind.

I am not alone.  Many are addicted just like me including my brother.

Now that you understand I have an addiction I can give you some updates.

About 18 months ago my brother Shane and I began this blog mainly as a way to update each other on our hobby progress and encourage each other.  I struggled last year whether I should include purchases or armies that I had commissioned as hobby updates. 

This year I will include them as hobby updates to share my painting, model collection and just overall addiction with those that are interested.

Horus Heresy Novels:

With a lot of hurry up and wait as with all military deployments there is some down time and I devoured two Horus Heresy Novels. 

"Age of Darkness" and "Shadows of Treachery", both are really good anthologies that flesh out smaller plots within the Horus Heresy storyline.  I will not give a full review and ruin any story line plots because my brother is not caught up yet.

Many book critics and non-fans give Black Library a lot of flak because the books are not progressing the story line fast enough for them.  I love the fact they are developing the plot little by little and giving us insights into the how, why insights of critical characters and Primarchs.  I love this stuff and that is what really keeps me collecting, playing and hobbying.  I have wrote a quick summary and put them in order of favorite to least favorite.  I have enjoyed all the stories but you have to rank them somehow.  I want to talk more but can’t without giving away plots and surprises. 
“Age of Darkness”

1.  The Last Remembrancer - John French - On the secret base of Titan the Knights Errant hold the Last Remembrancer and the truth.

2.  Liar’s Due - James Swallow- Worlds are not only won with war.

3.  The Iron Within - Rob Sanders -Warsmith Dantioch and a loyal contingent of Iron Warriors defend against a storm of Iron coming from without.

4.  Savage Weapons - Aaron Dembski-Bowden – Story of the Thramas Campaign.  Konrad Curze and Lion El Johnson clash for the first time in the ruins of a fortress.

5.  Forgotten Sons - Nick Kyme - Following the Drop Site Massacre on Istvaan V the Noblility of Bastion a military planet diplomatically decide their allegiance.  Horus and the Imperium send diplomatic envoys to sway the decision.

6.  The Face of Treachery - Gav Thorpe - Story follows up after Raven’s Flight as Corax and the Raven Guard escape from Istvaan V.

7.  Little Horus - Dan Abnett - Provides insight into the internal conflict of Horus Aximand and the Mournival since its dissolution on Istvaan III.

8.  Rebirth - Chris Wraight - A contingent of Thousand Sons return home after the Wolves were unleashed.

9.  Rules of Engagement - Graham McNeill - Ultra Marines 4th Company puts the tenets of the Codex Astartes to the test.

“Shadows of Treachery”

All of these stories were top notch and amazing.  It was so hard to put these in a favorite order.  If I had to recommend one anthology for the Horus Heresy series it would be Shadows of Treachery.
1.  The Crimsom Fist – John French – Provides insight to the origins of the Crimson Fists and Black Templars originated.

2.  The Dark King - Graham McNeill – Konrad Curze and Rogal Dorn clash for the first time in Cherut system.

3.  The Lightning Tower - Dan Abnett – Rogal Dorn stubborn and stoic deals with his internal conflict and prepares the Imperial Palace for the coming war. 

4.  Prince of Crows - Aaron Dembski-Bowden – Konrad Curze and Lion El Johnson clash for a second time putting an end to the three year Thramas Campaign.

5.  The Kaban Project - Graham McNeill – Mars is in a secret rebellion and some secrets cannot be allowed to escape.

6.  Raven's Flight - Gav Thorpe – Praefector Valerius’s dreams drive him to defy the Raven Guard upon the world of Deliverance. 

7.  Death of a Silversmith - Graham McNeill – A Silversmith is murdered after completing two commissions.

This is a must read for any fan.  Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Norway...down time...some hobby updates

Well I have been in Norway working for almost two weeks now and no hobby time for me.  At least no modeling or painting time.  I decided to take a break from working and make some updates to this blog's layout. 

Following updates have been made so let me know what you think:

-Updated all the posts with tags to better organize and search the site
-Moved the blog Archive to the top of the right gadget side.
-Created a Gadget to track the post labels.
-Changed some of the text colors to blue so it stands out better.
-Put one of the most famous pieces of 40K art as a banner.
- Moved the Subscribe and search gadgets to the bottom of the page.  Makes it look a little cleaner.

I have also been reading on the plane and breaks my Horus Heresy novels on the Kindle.  I never liked the E-book gadgets but after this plane trip and deployment I am a believer.  I Purchased and downloaded the Black Library Bundle of all the Horus Heresy E-books to date and they all fit on the kindle and I have them at my finger tips.

Currently I am 75% complete with "Age of Darkness"  Collection of short stories connecting multiple story lines together.  Great read and I highly recommend it.

Shane, I want to start reviewing and putting my opinions on HH novels but I don't want to give away spoilers.  Hurry up and listen to the audio books and get caught up. 

That's all this time around. 

Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

29 Tactical Marines Join the Tray

I've been on a build fest to get 2,000 points of 30K Iron Warriors on the table. I now have built 29 Bolter Marines (waiting on 32mm bases for the other Marine), 6 Tyrant Terminators, 2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts, and a Centurion in Terminator armour.

All that's left to build is a Preator in Power Armour, 4 Robots, and putting the last Marine on a base would also be helpful. Once I receive the bases in the mail I will have 3 complete 10 man squads. Then it's time to prime and paint. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Nights Work.

 30 Legion Tactical Marines built with legs, torsos, arms, and bolters. I started the night forgetting the new 32mm bases at home. I decided to keep moving forward with the goal of building 30 tactical marines. I'm happy with the results so far. Now to bed and an early start at work. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016: The Year a Legion was Born

This year I plan to build what I love the most, the IVth Legions Astartes. I can't get away from them mentally and don't plan too. Without further ado here is my goal.

1) To Build & Paint 5,000 points of Iron Warriors, The IVth Legion.
2) Posting progress within 24hrs of completing the work.
3) Play at least a game per month (12 games). I'm hoping for an Apocalypse game with the entire completed army.
4) Go to Adepticon 2016 this is a long shot but I'm putting it on this list.
5) If I complete goal number one I'll paint up my The Hobbit starter set.

First up is an escalation league at my local hobby store. This will have me building and painting up 2,000 points of The IVTh. Scheduled are 7 games of army build up and a tournament at the end. I'll have more on that soon.

A Sneak Peak

Hobby Goals for 2016!!!

It is the new year and I wanted to start it off right.  First of all last year was a great year hobby wise for me.  I want to make this year even better.

Here is the current state of my hobby cart:

(1) Finish what is currently on my cart.
(2) Complete 2,000pts of Tyranids
(3) Complete 1,500pts of Sons of Horus
(4) Complete 1,500pts of Emperor's Shadows
(5) Play at least 3 games and 1 Apocalypse game with all my Imperial Titans.

Definitely some lofty goals and there are certainly factors coming up that will throw this off track like moving once I get new orders in March.  I also will be gone in Norway until the end of March.  That means three months almost of no hobby time.

Well folks you have to start somewhere.  What are your hobby goals for 2016?!

Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.

2015 A Year in Review

Well it has been a busy year for my hobby accomplishments.  First I want to thank my brother Shane as he inspired me to stay on track throughout the whole year.  Steve you inspired me to keep on with the blogging ( I still need to get better and more consistent).

My Hobby Year in Review:

I finished up some diaromas for my Tyranids.

I posted a tutorial on how to complete rubble bases.  It was my first video I posted on you tube so cut me some slack.  LOL is was horrible but an accomplishment none the less.

I posted a battle report with just pictures of Kayden and me battling it out with Imperial Knight Titans and Emperor's Shadows vs Hive Fleet Ninevah.  The game occurred in 2014 but the pictures were posted 2015. It was a blast for Kayden and a great opportunity to get some photos of my painted miniatures.

I finished 1 Tervigon and 9 Genestealers.

I finished (1) Converted Trygon, (5) Genestealers and (2) Termagaunts.

(3) Hive Guard completed.

(1) SwarmLord, (1) Scythed Hierodule.

(12) Mucolid Spores, (1) Hive Crone

I had to break away from my Tyranids for a little bit and moved to start my Sons of Horus 30K army and my Inquisitor and Retinue.

Built but not finished: (5) Cataphracti Terminators, (2) Apothecaries, Hector Rex and Retinue, (1) Thunderhammer and Stormshield Praetor, (1) Techmarine.

Built but not finished:  (1) Flyrant twin-linked devourer.  (1) Venomthrope.  (3) Shrike Warriors. (1) BroodLord, (1) Inquistor with Psycannon.


Finished painting:  (1) Exocrene Magnetized head, (1) Tyrant Guard, (1) Flyrant, (9) Sporemines, (1) Tyrannocite, (1) Hive Tyrant lashwhip and bonesword with twin linked devourer, (8) Tentaclids.

I played a Tyranid vs Space Wolf battle 2,000 pts that was posted on you tube by my buddy Paul.

I finished up (1) Callidus Assassin, (1) TechMarine and Thunderfire Cannon,

Built but not painted:  (9) Venomthropes, (3) Zoanthropes.

I based a too many models to name but here are some.

I finished (1) Inquisitor in Terminator Armor, (1) Primaris Psyker, (7) Grey Knight Ghost Knights in Terminator Armor.

Chaplain and Non-ForgeWorld Primach models built but not finished: (1) Chaplain, (1) Leman Russ, (1) Robute Guilliman, (1) Rogal Dorn.

I re-organized my hobby cart and Finished off the year with my favorite model the Tyranid Dimachaeron. 
I almost forgot the (6) Space Marine Bikers that I finished up.
Well that ends my completed items for 2015.  What it does not include is the endless hours of foam plucking, custom designing battlefoam trays to fit my Nids, searching for great deals on ebay, trying to write battle reports, list building with friends and my bro.  There are many more models I have built or worked on not listed but I wanted to focus on what is completed.
Thanks for looking and may your paint brush never be dry.