Thursday, February 26, 2015

Scratch Made Trygon

Scratch Made Trygon

Well It has been almost a month since my last update I have been an international traveler and no hobby time for me until this past week.

I built this Trygon back in 2006 I think before the Forge World Trygon hit the table top.  It was originally just a snake like carnifex.  Then last year I got into my diorama phase and I cut up an old rhino a viola.

Now I got around to painting it and its finished.  I will use it as a Trygon on the Table top. 

Both Space Marines have unloaded their bolters on the Trygon splashing the acid blood everywhere.

One Space Marine is reloading a Magazine and the other is mid toss of a melta bomb.  That's going to hurt.

Shell casings are just a brass rod cut up with the dremel.

I also got in 5 Genestealers and 2 termagaunts for good measure.